Book Review: My Life as a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland

My Life as a White Trash Zombie is written by Diana Rowland. It is the first book in the series and was published in 2012. There are six books in all, the last one was published in 2017. Ms. Rowland on her website’s faq page states book six is probably the last in the series.

I must admit I was intriqued about the title and premisis of this book. I was browsing through the “Just Added” section on the Libby app and saw it. The cover is nice especially for a zombie book. I haven’t read or watched zombie anything until I stumbled on a few episodes of IZombie. I kept thinking either this was the inspiration for IZombie or IZombie was an inspiration for the author. Since I have read the book. Nope I think good old coincidence plays out here.

Our protagonist isn’t a shining example of humanity and she doesn’t want to be. However Ms. Rowland touches on a lot of hot button subjects, poverty, drug abuse, rape, child abuse and neglect, through her protagonist’s eyes.

I found the book enjoyable. However I wasn’t captivated enough to trying read it in one sitting. I may or may not decide to read the other five books. I think she tactfully handled her story well if a little oddly. I have italized the book cover synoposis. If you like humor with gore or a fan of zombies this series might be a good fit. Even if you can’t stand the thought of the undead, Ms. Rowland keeps things light.

Angel Crawford is a Loser.
Living with her alcoholic deadbeat dad in the swamps of southern Louisiana, she’s a high school dropout with a pill habit and a criminal record who’s been fired from more crap jobs than she can count. Now on probation for a felony, it seems that Angel will never pull herself out of the downward spiral her life has taken.
That is, until the day she wakes up in the ER after overdosing on painkillers. Angel remembers being in a horrible car crash, but she doesn’t have a mark on her. To add to the weirdness, she receives an anonymous letter telling her there’s a job waiting for her at the county morgue—and that it’s an offer she doesn’t dare refuse.
Before she knows it she’s dealing wth a huge crush on a certain hunky deputy and a brand new addiction: an overpowering craving for brains. Plus, her morgue is filling up with the victims of a serial killer who decapitates his prey—just when she’s hungriest!
Angel’s going to have to grow up fast if she wants to keep this job and stay in one piece. Because if she doesn’t, she’s dead meat.

Cheers, james for more information on this interesting series and author.

Quote of the Day: Peter Prange

So many memories of looking through the encyclopedia. One of my favorite was World Book’s article about daggers. The pictures and information caught and fed my imagination. I’m not sure of the age demographics of my fellow readers but encyclopedias were the analog version of Google before Google and internet exsisted. Encyclopedias still exist in both analog and digital formats. Personally there is a connection you get from holding a physical book and looking for answers.

Wing Sung 3008 Update

I wrote about my mint green Wing Sung 3008 and mentioned I had ordered another one. Well the gold one was for the hubby. I inked it up with Noodler’s Red-Black. He likes both the pen and the size and he loves the color. Double win for the wife!

So my Wing Sung has been used pretty much everyday since I got it. No complaints and no problems. I have almost used up the first ink fill up of the Monteverde Califorina Teal. I know, I know I cheated by dumping the Aubergine I first tried.

So now to decide what to ink it with now. My choices are Aubergine, Noodlers Black Swan with English Roses, Black Swan with Australian Roses and Pilot Irishoki Ku-Jaku. I also have a bottle of Diamine Emerald, although I haven’t been impressed with it since I tried it. It was my first non black ink and my first Goulet Pens purchase.

I am in love the Noodlers Black Swan with English Roses and I think a bottle is on my list of to purchase. I have used it for note taking at a work training event this week. Very nice and well behaved ink in an extra fine nib and a regular legal pad. No problems with bleed through, although I had a piece of cardstock under the page I would write on. Just in case it didn’t want to behave.

Cheers on this lovely Valentine’s evening. I hope you and your loved ones have a spectacular time. james