Alternate History

I am working on a story and I am trying get a handle on my background. It seems to be rural moutainous area but “when” is eluding me. I can’t seem to pin down the timeframe. I think I am kind of looking at maybe late 1800s or possibly the 1900-1920. I don’t think it would be any sooner based on the people and their mannerisms, tools, dwellings etc.

I ran into an idea that keeps looking at me: alternate history/timeline. So I have been poking around the web to see what I can find. Interestingly enough I have never read an alternate timeline story (to my knowledge) so I am at a loss on how to know. Normally a writer pulls the story along but this story is dragging me along for the ride. 

Anybody have any thoughts, comments, or ideas to share?

Here we go post #2

Maybe this second post will be smoother than the several attempts made on the first post. I really should back track and read the how to’s but what fun would that be. Besides you learn and remember so much more when you learn it yourself. Ok maybe that doesn’t apply to a lot of things like math, calculus (is that really math or just cruel torture for our students) and other things, but it works for writing.

The more you write, the more you learn about writing. The more you learn about word slinging, the more you learn when you read. Other authors give such valuable insights when we read their books. The way this author handles plot, another’s incredible world building, the examples go on. Mr. Tolken was incredible in the scope of his works. Not only did he write four of the world’s most recongized fantasy novels, but he created the entire world, history, peoples, and its mythos. As a writer dabbling in the fantasy world not only is Mr. Tolken, my hero, he is my gold standard for what a writer should strive for.

Middle Earth is as real to me and other fans of his writings as Earth is to the everyday person. I truly believe a writer has the ability to make a difference with his or her stories. Through our stories we can connect people together and maybe change the way someone views the world and the people around them.

The journey of …

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Yep first post and first stumble right off the bat. I am a writer living in eastern north carolina, however i have never published a word. Mind frame means a lot when you begin to do anything, at least that is what Mr. Lawrence Block says. So i amuse myself my writing the stuffthat pops up inmy head so i can do other things. Currently I am working on two stories that are similar yet very different in their presentation.

The weather in Eastern North Carolina is rather dreary and perfectly suitable writing weather. Who wants to be inside writing when the weather is nice? This weekend brings promises of beat